The Story

Our Story
Origami Owl's story starts with a teenager and a dream. Our company was founded by 14 year-old Isabella in the fall of 2010. Fueled by a goal to raise enough money to buy a car for her 16th birthday, she started the business with $350 worth of babysitting money and a matched contribution from her parents. She sold her unique line of personalized jewelry at home parties and events and quickly realized that this brand has an energy all its own. People absolutely love creating and wearing personalized jewelry that has meaning and is special to them.
Origami Owl's success has catapulted since its inception in 2010. Today our signature jewelry collections are available online and through our trained Independent Designers, who sell our products exclusively at home parties and events-just as Isabella did from the very beginning! Our parties are a fun way to bring together a group of friends for a unique, memorable and highly personalized experience.
With Isabella as our inspiration, we at Origami Owl are strongly united in the core belief that: if you can dream it, you can do it. Whether you aspire to raise money to further your education, buy your first home or go on a dream vacation-it's all possible with hard work and dedication.
Ready to make your own dreams a reality? We're offering up a limited number of exclusive opportunities to join the Origami Owl team! Set you own hours, work at your own pace, earn extra money and sell our unique product line.

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